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Outrageous Bank Fees

Great advantage of a Payday Loans is that they actually cost less then what bank will charge you in fees. If you have a check which might be returned because of NSF, Payday Loan or Cash Advance will help you avoid the extremely high fees bank will charge you for returned check, plus you will avoid getting the negative strike against you for passing a bad check. A fast cash loan with no credit check and no faxing is a fast and easy way to get your finances up to date. avoid the fees the bank might charge you. Apply for a Payday Loan with Global Cash Loan today and have the cash you need the very next day. Everybody knows that banks have jacked up fees on those who mismanage their checking accounts and credit cards. Charges for late payments and exceeding your credit limit have almost tripled in the past decade. Bounced-check fees now average close to $30 -- with some banks charging as much as $45 for an NSF (non-sufficient funds) draft.
Getting less attention are the fees banks are imposing on their more responsible customers who are just trying to access and manage their accounts. For example:
ATM fees continue to rise. On average, your bank charges you 25% more than it did six years ago for using another bank's ATM. And the "foreign" bank adds a surcharge that's 40% higher than it was in 1999, found.

Cash advances take a bigger bite. Getting cash from your credit card has long been expensive, but the tab has risen sharply in recent years. A decade ago, most credit card issuers imposed a 2% fee with a $2 minimum fee and a $10 maximum fee on cash advances, according to Today, the fee is 3% with minimums ranging from $5 (at most issuers) to $15 (at HSBC) and no maximums.

Stop-payment and returned-deposit fees have skyrocketed. A decade ago, stopping payment on a check usually cost $10 or less, and you generally didn't pay anything if a check you deposited turned out not to be good (other than bounced-check fees if you subsequently wrote checks based on the bad deposit). Today, the typical charge for a stop payment is $25, with one bank, Sun Trust, nicking its customers for $32, according to Meanwhile, many banks have instituted returned-deposit fees of $5 to $10 in addition to the cascade of bounced-check fees you might face.

"Courtesy" services are disappearing. Fees to talk to bank tellers, in person or on the phone, are now standard for many low-balance accounts. Cashier's checks and money orders, once free or $1, now cost $10 and up. Some lenders have imposed fees ranging from $5 to $15 for making payments by phone or online.

Miscellaneous fees are rising. Balance-transfer fees on credit cards of 3% to 4% are now commonplace, as are 3% foreign exchange fees when you use your credit card overseas. Account research can get pricey as well; banks and lenders may charge $5 for a copy of an old check or $10 for an archived statement.

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Global Cash Loan Disclaimer


This website does not constitute an offer or solicitation to lend. Global Cash Loan is not a lender and does not make loans or credit decisions. Global Cash Loan provides a matching service only and is not acting as a representative, agent, or correspondent for any of the lenders we contract with. Global Cash Loan does not control and is not responsible for the actions or inactions of any lender. Global Cash Loan does not endorse any particular lender or loan product. You are under no obligation to use Global Cash Loan’s service to initiate contact, or apply for credit with any of the lenders. This service is not available in all States and the service availability and scope are subject to change without notice. Subject to our Privacy Policy, Global Cash Loan will transfer your information to lenders in our program and other service providers and marketing companies with which we do business. Global Cash Loan does not guarantee that completing an application form will result in your being matched with a lender, being offered a loan product with satisfactory rates or terms, or receiving a loan from a lender. All loan amounts and fees mentioned on this web site are approximate numbers posted here to give you an idea what the actual amounts might be. Please review your actual contract with lender for exact amounts.


Cash Loan Amounts and Fees
Global Cash Loan currently provides loans ranging from $50.00 to $255.00. The finance charge for these loans is based on 300- 950 percent APR and the number of days of the loan. See fees for a complete breakdown of amounts and charges for various length loans.

Schedule of Charges
Regulation Z in Federal Law requires the full disclosure of all costs and terms associated with any credit purchase or transaction (such as this cash advance) and further requires that the costs associated with the transaction be expressed as an annual percentage rate of interest or APR Below all costs, terms and rates associated with our cash advance program are given.
The chart below represents illustrative examples of the cost of a loan to the borrower. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please ask. Make certain the questions that you ask are answered. Make certain you understand the term and costs of your loan.

Loan Amount

(APR) Annual Percentage Rate

Advance Fee

Total payback amount

7 days cycle

14 days cycle

21 days cycle

31 days cycle




































Note: Under California state law, a borrower may not renew the loan. A borrower may enter into a new loan transaction with AAA Cash Advance at any time after a prior loan to the borrower is completed.

Promise to Pay
You promise to pay us the Amount Financed, the Finance Charge and other permitted charges according to the Federal Truth-In-Lending Disclosures. You acknowledge and agree that you are indebted to us in the amount of the Total of Payments, and that the amounts set forth in the Federal Truth-In-Lending Disclosures are not in dispute.
You have made promise to pay us or to our order, (per your signature, electronic or otherwise, on original advance application of Master Agreement) in one payment on the date indicated in the payment schedule, or if extended payment request was submitted and processed, the total of payments on or after the next date your cash advance comes due. You authorize us to effect this payment by one or more ACH debits and or demand bank draft debit entries to your account of your financial institution (bank or credit union) until this cash advance comes due. You authorize us to effect this payment by one or more ACH debits and or demand bank draft debit entries to your account of your (bank or credit union) financial institution until this cash advance note is paid in full. You have confirmed that you are not in bankruptcy proceedings, nor do you contemplate or plan on filing bankruptcy in the future.
You promise to keep open and maintain an adequate balance in your account to assure all payments are made to us in a timely manner on the scheduled due date(s), until this cash advance note is paid in full.
You understand if at anytime your account becomes delinquent, we or our designated services will follow the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act during attempts of repayment of your loan.
We are not a lender, please read the disclaimer above.

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